Sunday, 27 April 2014

thank you, OLs

if anyone ask me, "who i want to thank the most besides my family for the past one year?"
i would say is OLs.

honestly, they are the best thing i had in my university life. they are the best treasure to keep forever. is not a normal friendship that we had but is way beyond that. we are family. it might sounds fake, but this is the truth.

i just came back from my 2 months holiday. when i met them, i can feel their sincere feeling saying "you're back!". i feel so much loved...

they always say, they are just an ordinary students but they are totally not the ordinary one. most of them are scholarship students that need to work as the scholarship requirement. but this group of people not the nerds. they know what they are doing and they are good at expressing it. normally when i work with people, i am the one who talk most of the time. but here, i have to shut my mouth for the entire time coz their ideas are beyond my thinking. they are the influential people in the community.

they are crazy bunch of people. everytime i'm with them, i automatically always laugh like no one on earth besides us. i really laugh out of control till i forget the public.

they are optimistic bunch of people. support each other in need, compliment each other when achieving something, and advice each other to be someone better. they are always be the one who love to see my dance most of the time (i think, its everytime).

they are hard working bunch of people. its not only happen once or twice that we do work in study room till 2/3 am in the morning. besides all the work that we have, the feeling is just different when you are surrounded with people that really passionate in what they are doing and want to achieve. giving you a positive energy.

they are the most caring people. they able to spot me when im sad. they have seen the loudest cry i did for couple times that i never show to other people. idk why but each emotional moments we had, always make me cry so loud.

they remind me of God presence. since then, i never feel alone. all the life problem i face is a step to make me stronger and be a better person. and God has sent them to support me and help me when i fall.

they are my hunting friends. hunting for foods, hunting for beautiful places, and hunting for happiness. we are not rich. i remembered we support each other to save enough money to go travelling and it is worthed. u work hard for it and in return, you get the best moments. is the matter of time they willing to spend on each other.

when im writing this blog, i get into the highest emotional state of mine. and now, i am almost graduate. and the only thing i scared the most when i have to leave this university life is to say goodbye to them. i honestly scared of loosing them. but i know i will not loose them :) we will hold this relationship tight

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